Thanks for your interest in me and my work!
The about me page always stumps me… here are 10 fun facts for you mixed with some useful facts:
- I love both cats and dogs, I know they say you have to be a cat or a dog person, but I really just can’t pick! They are both so darn cute!
- I have been photographing professionally for over 20 years now.
- I am a major Star Trekkie. I love them all! (Well I am a little lost on this new one, it doesn’t feel very much like Star Trek to me.)
- I shoot Nikon and I don’t think that matters one bit when it comes to the quality of your images.
- I survived my daughter’s toddler-hood and have nothing but compassion for toddlers and their parents. It is a wonderful and often times tiring stage of development.
- I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. While I used to dream of moving to sunnier places, I have concluded that the northwest is my home and I love it here, as long as it doesn’t rain for 30 days straight again, that was wayyyy too much rain and grey!
- I also run Infinitely Possible Images where I do personal branding photography and headshots.
- My favorite color is teal.
- I have three dogs two who are part cat.
- I love photography! (Big surprise right?!)
So, there you go, pretty exciting right? If you have any questions for me feel free to contact me. I would love to learn random facts about you too, and also take your picture!
Also, here is a photo of me so you can spot me in the park when we meet! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Photo credit: Nick Rodriquez